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Enhanced Multiphoton Processes in Perovskite Metasurfaces


  Multiphoton absorption and luminescence are fundamentally important nonlinear processes for utilizing efficient light–matter interaction. Resonant enhancement of nonlinear processes has been demonstrated for many nanostructures; however, it is believed that all higher-order processes are always much weaker than their corresponding linear processes. Here, we study multiphoton luminescence from structured surfaces and, combining multiple advantages of perovskites with the concept of metasurfaces, we demonstrate that the efficiency of nonlinear multiphoton processes can become comparable to the efficiency of the linear process. We reveal that the perovskite metasurface can enhance substantially two-photon stimulated emission with the threshold being comparable with that of the one-photon process. Our modeling of free-carrier dynamics and exciton recombination upon nonlinear photoexcitation uncovers that this effect can be attributed to the local field enhancement in structured media, a substantial increase of the mode overlap, and the selection rules of two-photon absorption in perovskites.

Figure 1

  • August 2021

  • Nano Letters 21(17)
